February's small change is going really well. I only use one disposible nappy a day, at night. The new nappies,Baby Beehinds [http://www.babybeehinds.com.au/store/pc/Cloth-Nappies-c2.htm] are the best I have used to date.I really wish I'd bought them from the start, but I have to admit that I found the price a bit too high.Now I see why it would have been worth spending a little more, the nappies are such high quality, fit so well, and are a pleasure to use.
No, the company isn't paying me! It's just so nice to have found a product that is worth the cost, and does the job so well!
So now that I have the February change licked, what's next ( a little late I know!March is almost half way through)? The change isn't really a change, but rather something I've been trying to do for a while.And it is a kind of reusing, recycling.
I thought it might be a good idea to use up the fabric scraps and lovely shirts/clothing I no longer wear to make a quilt for my bed.
So, I gathered all my linen and cotton clothing I no longer wear(my tastes and needs have changed) and started cutting them into squares, using an envelope as my template! I have started to sew the patches together, but it is a long way from finished. I'll post a couple of pictures to show the progress.