I sometimes wonder why the desire to have a baby (Charlie) was so strong.That despite knowing, logically, that it would be quite an inconvenience, I felt compelled to pursue the desire.
Well, I think it may be that he had lessons for me to learn, and one of the main lessons is to be more patient, especially today.
After a very restless night ( I think he may be cutting eye teeth), he got up before me, and I could hear from the dining room:"Charlie,get off the table!" Followed closely by,"No, Charlie, don't play with the wet nappies!" His sisters did their best to keep him in line, but this toddler has his own agenda, and no one is going to stop him!
I had looked forward to having a break this afternoon, while he had a nap, only to have him rise from his slumber about 15 minutes after I'd put him into his bed (asleep). I had just started to eat my lunch...a lesson in patience.
Later, I decided we had to get out of the house and hopefully, wear him out a little. So I decided we'd walk up the road, pick some native flowers for my desk, and just have a nice stroll.
The relaxed stroll was punctuated with Charlie running off into the bush, appearing again, double-backing to where we'd been, lying down on the road, refusing to move or running off again. Never in the direction I wanted to go. Not only was it a difficult lesson in patience, it was also a lesson on how to just let go and enjoy all sorts of things that as an adult I fail to see. Charlie took such delight in singing to dry grass, or picking up a stick to conduct with, or use as a weapon. He just enjoyed the moment.
So, it seems the boy was sent to show me a thing or two: try to live in the moment, take time to just be...
Thanks, Charlie, I'll give it a go.
Now, do you think you could try sleeping for a longer period of time...give it a go.
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