Not me, but Mike went back yesterday. When I got up I had a ten second pang of envy, as I usually enjoy the first day back ,without students, a nice chance to catch up with colleagues you haven't seen for 6 weeks. But it was only a momentary flash of envy, as I soon looked at Charlie and felt so glad I wasn't rushing him off to daycare. Instead, I provided care for a little friend, Arlo, whilst his parents both went back to work too.Much nicer than having to find someone to care for my brood.
The girls proved to be excellent entertainers for 5 year old Arlo, keeping him busy with painting, treasure hunts and other activities. I've posted a picture of their fabulous take on finger painting.
Speaking of "Back to School", we also had to go into town to spend more money on stationery, books, shoes etc. I really hate having to do it all at once, one of these years I'll get my act together and do it gradually....actually, no I won't, I'm just not that organised!
We also made trifle. One for our family and one for Arlo's. I went totally against my usually good health rules and all the ingredients I used were processed! Sponge finger biscuits,packet jelly,tinned fruit,bottled custard and choc chips! Yuck, but yum for the kids! It just meant it was fun and easy for the kids to do, and it was a real treat for them to eat. As we were doing it, I thought about making a "grown up" version of trifle: Make the sponge cake, extra creamy thick custard,jelly made from Pedro Ximenez sherry....mmmmm! We had some of this sherry at our friend's place on Tuesday night. It is made from raisins, and is so good! Very syrupy and sweet without being sickly - just gorgeous. One day, I will make this trifle for a dinner party.
Today we have Arlo again, so full of beans, I'll have to think of something else to do. I'll get the girls onto it again. He came dressed in his Ninja outfit, which has a skeleton on the other side. Now he is Half ninja, half skeleton, "It's the scariest thing!" he says! I think it's pretty cute.
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