Today was the first real chance I had to get back into the garden. It was a cool 20 degrees Celsius so out I went! The rest of the week has been perfect beach weather, so we have made the most of it, and also spent time with Michael's sisters whilst they were in town.
So, I am pleased to say that I'm making headway. I put the eco-hydrate onto the vegetable patch, you can read about it here:http://www.ecoorganicgarden.com.au/product.php?id=3.
I'm hoping it will help the soil retain some water.It is so dry.
Then I was driven inside by the midgies.This year has been the worst year for them. They make it impossible to stay outside as they have a nasty bite and love to get into your hair,ears,eyes, everywhere.We try to use a natural insect repellent, but it doesn't keep them away for very long.It is frustrating!
I was able to get back out to the garden in the afternoon while Freya and Charlie played in the paddling pool.The midgies weren't as bad and I think I may have had a couple of hours out there, pulling weeds and dead plants,fertilising and mulching with three bales of pea hay. I have one bale left for the vegetable patch, which I think may be enough because the plants are covering much of the ground.

You can see in the picture that I have a few different seedlings to plant, but didn't get to it today. Tomorrow's forecast is for 22, so I may get to it tomorrow.I have beetroot,basil and two types of lettuce:baby buttercrunch and red lettuce. I also have carrot and leek seeds.
Another task I was able to get to was to collect the seed from broccoli plants and the sweet peas, lovely blue ones and pink and white.They are so pretty in the spring and smell so nice.
We are picking a big bunch of beans everyday and I love it! I hope I'll be doing the same with tomatoes soon.
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