Friday, August 5, 2011

Sorry - Missing in Action....

It isn't that I have nothing to write, more that there is so much, that I don't know where to start, and also never feel there's enough time to finish a reasonable post.

So, to summarise, the reasons I haven't been writing on the blog lately:

  1. I have started working(outside the home, for money) again. It is only one day a week, but it is the day that I used to have to myself when Charlie went to family daycare. Now - I go to work instead. So I don't get that day to run around and do errands, appointments etcetera. Now I have to try and fit them in somewhere else. I know, I know, one day a week is a gift, but all the same, the family and household still need me...
  2. I have had  blood tests run, to see if there might be a reason for my miscarriages (other than my advanced age). And something has shown up. I'm not really surprised, but it has now opened up a huge can of worms to consider. It isn't serious or life threatening for me, but it may have been for our babies.
  3. So, I've been spending a bit of time trying to find out more about how autoimmune antibodies can cause miscarriage. I've been trawling the internet, reading a few books, and have made an appointment to see a specialist in September. This has certainly been on my mind and is very time consuming.
  4. I've also been trying very hard to stay committed to eating well. I've been learning more and more about the "Primal" way to eat. I've been reading this book by Mark Sisson. I may have mentioned it before, but I'm reading it again, and have been inspired to really commit to his way of eating. I'm still not sure about dairy, but that's a whole other post...
So, that's mainly what has been taking up space in my head. Of course I still have to keep the household ticking over, and that has not been easy lately. It's no one's fault. I am still grieving over the miscarriage, it was only a month ago, and some days are tough. Sometimes, accomplishing anything is like swimming through treacle.

Hopefully, I'll get back on track, and will post all about some of the great new recipes I've been trying out sans grain (and sugar).

More soon...

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