I have just taken Charlie for a walk on the beach. I am still amazed, after 9 years, that I can walk on the most perfect beach, on a warm day and only encounter two swimmers and one cyclist. It is incredible, and wonderful for me!
Charlie fell asleep, so it was a lovely walk in peace and quiet, with a sweet breeze and the sun shining. I considered swimming, but didn't have my bathers, should have anyway because there was no one around!
The vegetarian moussaka was a success. It was full of veges, but the kids liked it! Yay. Usually eggplant (aubergine) is greeted with "Yuck!" from the kids.
Although it was yummy, it seemed to take ages to complete. Most of the time is spent frying the eggplant, zucchini and potato which has been sliced about 5mm thick. I used 6 small eggplant, sliced, salted and left for half an hour, then washed and dried before frying in olive oil. I used a medium sized zucchini and 4 medium potatoes. In future I will spray them with oil and bake
them, and see how it works. It was just too time consuming standing at the fry-pan with Charlie having to be jiggled about by various family members, all the while crying because he only wants mama...very frustrating!

So, once you've fried up the vege, you make a tomato sauce: saute a chopped onion, 2 cloves of garlic and some thyme (about two Tblspn), then add a large (800gms) tin of tomatoes and a small tin(400gms) of rinsed haricot beans (lentils or other beans would be fine), let it simmer til it is thick. Layer up the veges, put some crumbled fetta cheese on top of that, then the sauce and finish with a Bechemel sauce. I make mine with two Tbsp of butter, melted, then add two Tbsp of flour ( I use gluten free and it works just fine), let that cook a little then gradually add the milk, about 2 cups (add more later if the sauce is too thick). Once it has thickened up, I'll grate in some nutmeg and add some parmesan cheese.If the bechemel is lumpy, I just use the whisk which seems to sort it out. Then I baked it in the oven for around40 mins ( a moderate oven) until it is starting to brown.
So, it was yummy. Today is another non-meat day( I am trying to eat vegetarian every second day for economy and health), so I'll have to find a recipe to make, something with ricotta cheese in it, or maybe pizza, as I have some bocconcini I'd like to use.We'll see how it goes today.
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