I Just had almost 2 hours in the garden! Almost unheard of since Charlie was born, so a real treat for me. I managed to get a new bed ready to plant out the Broccoletti seedlings I bought from the nursery on Thursday. I don't know much about them, so will google
"broccoletti"(http://broccoletti.wordpress.com/) later and find out more. I also planted some red oak leaf lettuce, which look so pretty. Hopefully these ones won't be decimated by the chickens, now that they are confined to their yard. I did let them out on Friday afternoon, but it didn't last long as they were into the flower bed in a jiffy, and I just can't let them ruin it again. The tomato plants you can see in the photo are extremely lush and healthy.Since that picture was taken they have taken over the rest of the bed and the path! So I trimmed them back.They have been disappointing despite their lush growth because we just haven't had any fruit to eat.Before the tomatoes get a chance to colour up either the birds or king skinks eat the fruit! I have no idea what to do about it.Perhaps I could net the plants, at least that would stop the birds,and I don't think the skinks would be able to get the fruit that is higher up.Worth a try - I'd like to taste the fruit of my labour!

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