My blog is all about my life at home with my husband, 5 kids, a dog, three chickens and my garden.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Rosehip Syrup

Voluntary Simplicity

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Things One Hopes to Achieve, and things one DOES Achieve!

Every day I start with a list in my head of the things I'd like to achieve during the day. It feels purposeful to have goals. Sometimes I even jot them down.
Today's list was as follows:
- Make zucchini slice
- Make dermatologist appointment
- Take a walk
- Organise E bay items I sold
- Wash and hang up nappies
- Wash breakfast dishes
- Tidy up my bedroom and put away laundry
- Read the Gardening Australia magazine I bought on Monday
- Yoga practice
- Have a shower(!)
- Bottle the baked capsicums I made days ago
- Order seeds from Diggers
This is what I got done:
- Had a lovely walk with Charlie to the post box and along the beach
- Washed and hang out the nappies
- Made the dermatologist appointment
- Got half the breakfast dishes washed
- Drank four cups of tea
- Played with Charlie
- Made compost
- Cuddled Charlie
- Breastfed Charlie
- Changed several nappies
- Looked around at the complete and utter chaos and decided it is too hard to start anything with a 6 month old who will not sleep unless you cuddle him!!
So there you have it. I don't know why I bother with the list, whether written or in my head. I suppose I can at least be pleased that I might have achieved one or two things. Most importantly, Charlie is getting the attention he needs, and that is surely more important than the mess and dishes.
Alas, it just means that when I do eventually getting around to making that zucchini slice for dinner, the kitchen is in such a mess, it takes all the joy out of cooking.
There's a song by Neil Young : A Man Needs A Maid. Well, it isn't just a man who needs a maid, this woman needs one too! How nice would it be to have a home help, so you could just enjoy mothering your baby without all the other "stuff" to distract you...
Despite that sinking feeling when it comes to the state of our living space, it was very lovely to walk in the fresh air with Charlie this morning.It was a warm and sunny day, perfect for strolling. And I looked at him and thought about how much I ached to have him in my life, how lucky I have been to have him here with us,and I know that he is better(much ,much,better!) than a clean house, meals cooked, phone calls made.
Tomorrow is a new day...
Monday, February 23, 2009
Six Months Old Today

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Terrible Teething

Monday, February 16, 2009
Feeling Conflicted

- France
- Italy
- Greece (particularly the islands)
- Britain
- Scotland
- Ireland
- Wales
- Spain
- Sweden
- Norway
- the Caribbean
- Alaska
- The East coast of Canada
- New Zealand again especially Milford Sound)
- South America (Chile,Peru,Argentina)
- Nepal and Tibet
- And probably many others!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Naughty Chooks!

The girls have taken to scratching up any new seedling I have put in, which is bad enough, but the bigger problem is that they have taken to digging in my only established garden, the shady garden near the house.
I love this part of the garden because I have been able to grow ferns and other shade lovers. It has been looking lush and pretty.So I suppose because it is cool and inviting they spend hours finding bugs and worms. It has got to the point that they have exposed roots, leaving hollows every where.
It had to stop! So Michael kindly offered to put a roof on the chook yard. It had one before, but we used fruit tree netting and that got weighed down with fallen leaves, so we took it off.
Guthrie and Mike started putting chicken fencing up for the roof, but arrived back in the house after ten minutes. They couldn't have finished so quickly, surely? Well, it turns out that a carpet python was in the tree that Mike had been chopping limbs off and Guthrie was standing under it! When they discovered the carpet python, they got out of there! Carpet pythons are beautiful snakes, with a lovely white,black and yellow banded pattern, and though not venomous, can still bite.
After that we decided that it was all too much trouble, so the girls got their wings clipped. I never wanted to do it, feeling it was cruel, but it is probably better than me killing them in a fit of rage after discovering more dead plants!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Economic Doom and Gloom
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
What is Happiness?
We were talking about it at dinner last night. It came up because we were discussing money - winning Lotto actually- and I think Freya said it would make her very happy. I agreed, but then we started discussing the true meaning of happiness. I asked her what was most important to her, she said her family.Guthrie continued to say that having lots of money would make him happy, but Michael asked him a profound question, which I think we should all answer to understand what makes us most happy:"What would make you most sad?"
We all had the same answer for that question: the death of a loved one. We've experienced it, and along with our discussion we had a little cry about it. When you lose someone dear, it does help put things into perspective. You start to ask, "what is important?"
Another way to think about it, is to imagine, when (if) you are on your "death-bed", and you look back on your life, what will you consider to be your best accomplishments? What do you consider to be success?Because I think if you feel successful, you will feel happy. And I am not talking about success in the conventional way, though many would. Is success defined by what you own, the amount of money you have in the bank, the amount of assets, your net worth? I believe it isn't. When you die, you won't really care about that, having loved and been loved, that is so much more important.
I once read something about being thin. How western society places so much importance on looking slim and youthful. But really, will you look back on your life and say,"I was slim!I lived a good life". I highly doubt it. I know, despite often feeling bad about my size and shape, that I am glad to have the "scars" born of motherhood, The "marshmallow" belly (thanks Freya!), the grey hair, the wrinkles. They are tell the story of my greatest accomplishments - my children, my life with Michael.
Having said that, I do place much value on good health, so I am trying to reduce the marshmallow belly! I'm not in a great rush however, because right now my priority is keeping Charlie happy, and my exercise routine is a little lackadaisical (is that a real word?). Anyway, it isn't as good as it has been in the past, but I don't beat myself up over it, because getting enough sleep, having meals ready and generally keeping the status quo is my priority, I work around that.
Once Charlie is 6 months old, and perhaps has had his first vaccinations (still unsure about that one, that's another future blog!), I will feel more comfortable about putting him in the creche at the gym, and will do a couple of classes every week. That isn't all that far away, he'll be 6 months on the 23rd. It has slipped by so fast.
Which brings me back to the topic at hand : happiness. Enjoying every beautiful day that comes my way, with my gorgeous family and friends: that's happiness.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Just another day at the office

Our day started too early at 5.30a.m, and I lay there whilst Charlie did his morning warbling, thinking about how nice it would be to have a "helper" who could come in, take the baby, let you sleep as long as you like, bring in a cuppa and the newspaper at about 8, get the kids off to school, all the while taking care of Charlie. Then I could get up, have a shower, for as long as I like, without interruption....Ah, dreams are made of this...
I don't for one second regret having Charlie in my life, and I know babies are a labour of love, but I can still fantasise!
Luckily for me, we caught a half hour nap this afternoon, so I feel okay.He is still grumpy, but I know he can't help it. So I'll give him cuddles, and worry about the housework, dinner and laundry later. It will still be there. Including all those yucky nappies! I am using cloth - hoping to save a bit of money, and perhaps not impact on the environment as much as with disposables.
Well, baby Grumpling is calling...